Author: thinkunconventionall

How to grow your business on social media

The question “How to grow your business on social media” is one we get a lot at Think Unconventionall. Companies all over the world have seen success through traditional sales methods but now need to know how to promote their business on LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok and the rest. In this article, we will outline the […]

The Best Way to Win on LinkedIn

Is LinkedIn a Sales Tool? The best way to win on LinkedIn starts with understanding the people you are trying to attract. Some of you reading this may never have used LinkedIn for any more than a job search so what I’m about to say may come as a shock. LinkedIn is not a direct […]

Can You Make Money on LinkedIn?

You can make money on LinkedIn! So you want to know how to make money on LinkedIn. Don’t we all?  You’re probably reading this blog because you’re currently not making money on LinkedIn and now that you’ve calmed down from your child-like strop (been there), you’re ready to find out why.  There are several reasons […]

Your LinkedIn Game Sucks

Why does your LinkedIn game suck? Yes, your LinkedIn game sucks. Of course it does or you wouldn’t be reading this article. Or maybe it doesn’t suck, and you just wanted to confirm in your own mind that it does indeed… Not suck.  Either way, here are the three biggest reasons your LinkedIn game isn’t […]

5 Tips for Sending LinkedIn DMs

5 Tips for Sending LinkedIn DMs First, let’s address the elephant in the room because there is a rather large issue with sending LinkedIn DMs… Or so people believe.  On a recent call with a LinkedIn coaching client, her 16-year-old son (who was ear-wigging the convo) made it very clear what he thought of social […]