New Ghostwriting services

Ghostwriting Services

Let’s talk about Ghostwriting services. There is a misconception that anyone can write. As long as you know how to spell (although Grammarly gets around that) and you know how to hold a pen (or move your thumbs), you can knock out the next viral piece of social media content.

The truth is, writing for social media is very different to writing for blogs, or websites, or just about anything else.

The fact you are here reading this page suggests you are considering (probably with a high amount of intent) using a ghostwriter to craft your social media content. As luck would have it, We’ve been writing and building engaged audiences on platforms like LinkedIn since 2019, so you’ve certainly come to the right place.

How does it work?

Ghostwriting for any kind of business leader is a very personal service and relies on us, the writers, really getting to know you as a person first, then as a leader of your business. We believe (with a good level of authority and evidence) that people will always buy you long before they buy your product or service. This means our first mission is to sell you and the value you bring as a human being rather than just a figure in a business.

Each month, you will join Andy on a call for an hour, which will be recorded. You will discuss your journey, your experience, your strengths and weaknesses, your vulnerabilities, and anything else we feel would present you in the most positive way throughout your growing online community.

The goal, of course, is to make you memorable. Social media is not a direct sales tool to be used like an email newsletter or paid ad. It is a community and awareness play that when done well, can become a very lucrative inbound lead stream for your business, while adding authority to your brand.

Next Steps

If this sounds like something you would like to explore, and you are ready to book a call with our team, you can do so here. We are very much looking forward to helping you make social media work for your business through the power of Ghostwriting.