The Biggest Content Mistakes on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Content mistakes

What are the biggest content mistakes on LinkedIn?

Every day, we watch people flocking to the platform like excited little puppies, eager to bring their voices to the stage and ready to hit the button on their poorly worded, structureless drivel.

Of course, in their eyes, it’s award-winning. Then it bombs with only 3 likes and a ‘nice post’ from Nanny Doris.

She loves LinkedIn does Doris.

Maximizing Digital Touchpoints: A Strategy for Effective Customer Engagement

How to maximise multiple digital touchpoints

Yes, you read that correctly. 

A strategy for effective customer engagement is about understanding where your customers consume content and hitting those touchpoints around the web.

Sorry if anyone thought I was going somewhere else there…

It is human nature to grow attached to our favourite channel. Whether it’s a social media platform such as LinkedIn or YouTube, a newsletter subscription for those top-of-funnel folks, or even a good old-fashioned series of network events.

How to grow your business on social media

How to grow your business on social media

The question “How to grow your business on social media” is one we get a lot at Think Unconventionall. Companies all over the world have seen success through traditional sales methods but now need to know how to promote their business on LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok and the rest.

In this article, we will outline the 5 most important things you need to do to grow your business on social media. Let’s dive in.

5 Mistakes people are making on LinkedIn

Mistakes people make on LinkedIn

Posting without a plan

These are the 5 mistakes people are making on LinkedIn and they all stem from a nasty habit of listening to idiots. A new wave of LinkedIn creators who have found their way to the platform in 2024 and now thinks LinkedIn is just TikTok in a suit and tie. 

Please, for the love of all things Lego-based, don’t listen to these people.

Cries of “just post it” ring around the LinkedIn halls, filling our feeds and ushering us down a dark path filled with danger and delusion. This is a strategy that will see your business brand disintegrate and leave your audience sniggering into their over-priced oat milk latte.

Running a Business as an Autistic Adult

Running a business as an autistic adult

Running a business as an autistic adult can be challenging and rewarding all at the same time. I once read a stat that claimed ‘1 in 3 self-made millionaires is neurodiverse’. This was before I knew about my own particular flavour of autism but well after we found out about our sons.

It’s a statistic I can well believe, based on my own desire to start a business and grow it into something people will remember.

Can You Make Money on LinkedIn?


You can make money on LinkedIn!

So you want to know how to make money on LinkedIn. Don’t we all? 

You’re probably reading this blog because you’re currently not making money on LinkedIn and now that you’ve calmed down from your child-like strop (been there), you’re ready to find out why. 

There are several reasons people fail to convert time on the platform into leads that matter. For this article, let’s focus on how you engage your audience. Or as the case may be, not engage your audience.

Your LinkedIn Profile is Holding You Back!

How to improve your LinkedIn profile

Your LinkedIn Profile is Killing Your Potential…

Yes, your LinkedIn profile is holding you back and killing your potential on the platform. But the good news is, you are one of millions of people making the same mistake. 

The other good news is, I’m about to rock your world with this article and tell you exactly what you need to change.

Your LinkedIn Game Sucks


Why does your LinkedIn game suck?

Yes, your LinkedIn game sucks. Of course it does or you wouldn’t be reading this article. Or maybe it doesn’t suck, and you just wanted to confirm in your own mind that it does indeed… Not suck. 

Either way, here are the three biggest reasons your LinkedIn game isn’t delivering you the results you crave, despite all your effort and hard work.

5 Ways to Win New Business On LinkedIn

5-ways-to-win-business on LinkedIn

Are you winning new business on LinkedIn?

The platform has evolved a lot over the last few years. If you want to win business on LinkedIn, you need to do more than sling up a weekly post about your office dog, or worse still, your boring services. 

It may seem counter-productive ‘NOT’ to talk about what you offer on a B2B platform. The truth is, that LinkedIn is not a sales platform primarily. Sure, people try to use it as one, with their automated copy-and-paste DMs that often go wrong and call people either ‘Dear’ or ‘Sue’ when their name is actually Kevin. But first and foremost, LinkedIn is an awareness and education platform, that if used correctly, becomes a hugely powerful sales tool.