5 Reasons To Hire a LinkedIn Coach

5 Reasons to hired a LinkedIn coach

5 Reasons To Hire A LinkedIn Coach

When you spend as much time on LinkedIn as we do, it’s easy to get brainwashed into thinking, “Why would I hire a LinkedIn coach”? Feeds are rife with creators going on the attack because in their little worlds, building an audience on LinkedIn is easy.

What said folk fail to mention when they are in full-on rant mode, are the countless hours each day they spent over a sustained period of time hacking the system, usually because they were unemployed or had no friends. 

Not that I am in any way judging.

In reality, the reason only 1% of active LinkedIn members actually create anything, is because building a consistent, creative habit is extremely hard, especially when in the early months at least, ROI is difficult to measure.

The LinkedIn Profile

Before we start aimlessly throwing up content for LinkedIn that no one will read and fewer will even care about, let’s take a step back and look at your LinkedIn profile. Carelessly banging up posts about your next holiday or what your dog had for lunch without optimising the prime real estate LinkedIn gives you for free, is like advertising you’ve opened a new shop on the high street, and then locking the doors on launch day.

It’s a little bit pointless. 

A good LinkedIn coach (AKA me) will always start at the very beginning, ensuring that your profile works as hard for you as you are about to work yourself. In other words:

  • Does it speak directly to your target audience?
  • Does your headline say what you do for people?
  • Do you have a good-looking banner with on-point branding?
  • Does your bio immediately address the people you best serve?
  • Have you asked your past clients/customers for positive recommendations?

Take a look at yours now and answer this… Does it tell me quickly, exactly how I can solve someone’s problem?


Is it a digital CV, shouting about all my wonderful achievements that no one cares about?

Hiring a linkedIn coach

Engaging with Your Network

Engaging with your network is where a good LinkedIn coach would be worth the investment because it’s where most people fall down. Hard. 

“Surely everything is about the quality of my content” I hear you say. 

“If I offer great value, I should be massive in no time, right?”


Picture the scene if you will. You come to LinkedIn as a new creator, desperate to engage people for the purposes of growing your business and generating inbound enquiries. Let’s be honest, it’s why we all do it.

But imagine walking into a networking event where you know no one and expecting people to form an orderly queue to speak with you. Like you were Justin Beiber or Beyonce. 

It’s never going to happen, is it?

A great LinkedIn coach will help you not only understand the power of engaging with your network of creators, and target clients, but they will show you how to do it efficiently and without it dominating your life.

Creating LinkedIn Content

Finally, the juicy bit. But wait, because creating content for LinkedIn can get very tiring if you approach it in the wrong way. A great LinkedIn coach will explain the difference between writing styles, for example, copywriting for social media vs a website.  

Over the years, I’ve seen countless examples of wannabe creators coming to LinkedIn with content that looks more like the pages of a novel rather than quick-fire, snippets of social media sorcery. In other words, the posts that people will actually stop and read.

A decent LinkedIn coach will be able to help you master the art of creating for people that are often very time and attention poor, aka social media scrollers. People that are often thumb-flicking their way through LinkedIn on a tea or fag break, aimlessly waiting for something special to grab their attention. Despite what some believe, people on LinkedIn during the day are not there to do business. Especially with people they don’t know, that only talk about business. 

Replying to Comments

A great LinkedIn coach will teach you the art of growing a post by making sure you are active on the platform at the time the post goes live. Especially during the first hour. This is the period that LinkedIn’s algorithm will categorise the content as ‘Good’ or ‘Not so Good’. 

Replying to the comments on your content (should you get any), will not only encourage said commenters to continue playing an active role in your future posts, it will also show LinkedIn that the post is growing and that it should continue to be shown to more people. 

Any LinkedIn coach worth a dime will make this a huge priority.

Creating LinkedIn Content

Growing your connections

A great LinkedIn coach will encourage you to actively use your weekly connections limit to build your network. This is 100 for basic accounts and 250 for premium. What they will also make you aware of is the very dangerous trap of believing that just because you create a bit of content, people are now going to start following you at scale. Unless you are posting nudes or the most controversial videos seen this side of TikTok, that won’t happen.

For 99.9% of small to medium-sized business owners who are rarely expert marketers, the content will be average at best, especially in the beginning. Being purposeful with your connections and adding key people that will not only buy from you but support your content is a huge part of any successful LinkedIn strategy.

Which LinkedIn coach should I use?

Well, there are a bunch of people all giving advice about LinkedIn, funnily enough, on LinkedIn. But in our totally unbiased opinion….

You should absolutely choose us.